About Engage

Engage exists to provide perspective on culture through the eyes of a Biblical worldview, showing how that worldview intersects with culture and engages it.

We are a team of 20-somethings brought together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and employment in our parent organization American Family Association.

Life Wisdom Proverbs and Foolish Hearts 06/29/2016 | Guest Writer Embracing godly wisdom in my foolish heart
Life Hope, Strength, and Peace 06/28/2016 | Guest Writer Christians are never far from the heart of God. No matter the circumstance, His sufficient grace can be found in the deepest of valleys.
Life To Enjoy Him Forever 06/28/2016 | Guest Writer We often think of serving God as the Christians only duty – but what about enjoying Him?
Life God is the One Constant We Can Depend On 06/28/2016 | Teddy James The Christian walk is often marked by ups and downs. But God is constant, never changing, and He is always willing to draw near to His imperfect children.
Worldview The Politically Active Christian 06/27/2016 | Skyler Gleue Political activism is an important arena in which Christians can let the gospel loose to change the culture for the glory of Christ.
Worldview Our Storytelling God 06/27/2016 | Jordan Chamblee We live in a world created by a storytelling God, and we can read His story if only we learn how to listen.
Connections Out of Many, One 06/27/2016 | Chris Woodward Racism is a reality even in today's "progressive" culture. How should a Christian engage this volatile issue?
Worldview Considering Christ: the Bridegroom 06/27/2016 | Jordan Chamblee Christ and the Church – husband and wife. How could we ever fathom this mystery?