About Engage

Engage exists to provide perspective on culture through the eyes of a Biblical worldview, showing how that worldview intersects with culture and engages it.

We are a team of 20-somethings brought together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and employment in our parent organization American Family Association.

Life The Journey of Fatherhood 06/17/2016 | Jim Shempert There are many different kinds of fathers in many different family situations. But God has called all fathers to play an important role in their children's lives.
Culture More Than Bathrooms 06/17/2016 | Teddy James The sins we see on the rise in our modern culture are often only surface issues arising out of a deeper problem.
Culture When a Retailer Ignores Customer Safety 06/15/2016 | Walker Wildmon We are trying to make Target listen to its customers. Add your voice.
Connections 3 Reasons Why I Needed My Dad When He Wasn't There 06/15/2016 | Cortney Sargent Fathers play an immensely important role in the lives of their families, and especially in the lives of their sons.
Connections Abiding in Prayer 06/10/2016 | Joseph Parker Make it your goal to saturate your life and your family and the concerns of your life with prayer.
Life Life-Changing Discipleship 05/12/2016 | Guest Writer Emerging Leaders Program offers discipleship, hands-on ministry, and a life-changing experience.
Life Just a Little Poison 05/11/2016 | Kendra White A little porn is a lot of sin.
Connections Pity and Sight 05/11/2016 | Teddy James I used to get angry, now I pity.