About Engage

Engage exists to provide perspective on culture through the eyes of a Biblical worldview, showing how that worldview intersects with culture and engages it.

We are a team of 20-somethings brought together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and employment in our parent organization American Family Association.

Life God and Fortune Cookies 08/02/2016 | Guest Writer God can speak through anything, including fortune cookies
Worldview Think Before You Pass By 07/22/2016 | Chris Woodward Who is my neighbor, and what does he look like?
Worldview Fear is a Lie 07/22/2016 | Canada Burns Don't give control to fear.
Life Tales From the Intern: Cleaning Tables and Serving God 07/15/2016 | Myra Gilmore Interning isn't always fun, but it is always educational.
Life Abiding in the Word at Home 07/15/2016 | Joseph Parker For parents new and experienced it can be a challenge to plant the word of God in the hearts of their children.
Culture Come Quickly Lord Jesus 07/08/2016 | Jim Shempert In the face of trials, we must look to the Author of peace.
Culture Jesus, Freedom, and America 07/03/2016 | Chris Woodward Celebrating temporal and eternal freedom.
Culture Taking a 21st Century Stand 06/29/2016 | Walker Wildmon Whether it be something big or small, what will make you stand firm?