About Engage

Engage exists to provide perspective on culture through the eyes of a Biblical worldview, showing how that worldview intersects with culture and engages it.

We are a team of 20-somethings brought together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and employment in our parent organization American Family Association.

Life Descriptions of Jesus 06/27/2016 | Breanne Tull There is a King who sits on the throne of every Christian's heart – Jesus Christ. What kind of King is He?
Worldview Marriage as God Intended 06/27/2016 | Guest Writer God designed every aspect of human life including marriage with intention, and we must honor that design with humility, love, and grace.
Life The Sanctification of Marriage 06/20/2016 | Wesley Wildmon Marriage is not an easy thing, but God designed it to be difficult on purpose in order that we would be conformed to the image of Christ.
Life Singleness According to Ruth 06/20/2016 | Myra Gilmore If anyone faced difficult times in the Old Testament, it was Ruth. Through all her struggles, she embodied the faith that we all must have in God's provision in hard times.
Worldview Why Marriage Matters for Single Christians 06/20/2016 | Canada Burns The joy and ministry of marriage isn't exclusively for those who are married. Marriage is a gift for the entire Church to enjoy.
Worldview God's Holy Matrimony 06/20/2016 | Chris Woodward Man has his definitions, but what about God? How does He define marriage?
Life The Temptation of Silence 06/20/2016 | Ashley Gillespie Our culture does not value confrontation or constructive criticism, but that is not an excuse for silence.
Connections Overcoming Common Obstacles in Early Marriage 06/19/2016 | Teddy James Advice from counseling expert for young couples