About Engage

Engage exists to provide perspective on culture through the eyes of a Biblical worldview, showing how that worldview intersects with culture and engages it.

We are a team of 20-somethings brought together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and employment in our parent organization American Family Association.

Culture Gospel Connection Part 1: A Youth Gospel 09/26/2016 | Jordan Chamblee Dispelling the idea of a youth gospel for the complete gospel
Life You are Not Enough 09/21/2016 | Myra Gilmore His strength is made perfect in every one of my weaknesses.
Culture Our Inconvenient Service 09/20/2016 | Jordan Chamblee Move beyond the lie that Jesus calls you to comfort and embrace the inconvenient service.
Worldview What God Wants With You 09/20/2016 | Jordan Chamblee There are many things we want from God, but what does He want from us?
Entertainment The Silliness in Sports Fanaticism 09/20/2016 | Chris Woodward A sports fan's two cents on sports fans.
Entertainment A Christian's Secular Music 09/19/2016 | Canada Burns Can Christians listen to and love secular music?
Life When the Shelter is the Storm 09/07/2016 | Jordan Chamblee Why should we "rejoice" when we face trials?
Life When Prayer is Difficult 09/02/2016 | Teddy James Here are a few helpful tips for when praying is hard.