About Engage

Engage exists to provide perspective on culture through the eyes of a Biblical worldview, showing how that worldview intersects with culture and engages it.

We are a team of 20-somethings brought together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and employment in our parent organization American Family Association.


Worldview Considering Christ: the Bridegroom 06/27/2016 | Jordan Chamblee Christ and the Church – husband and wife. How could we ever fathom this mystery?
Worldview Marriage as God Intended 06/27/2016 | Guest Writer God designed every aspect of human life including marriage with intention, and we must honor that design with humility, love, and grace.
Worldview Why Marriage Matters for Single Christians 06/20/2016 | Canada Burns The joy and ministry of marriage isn't exclusively for those who are married. Marriage is a gift for the entire Church to enjoy.
Worldview God's Holy Matrimony 06/20/2016 | Chris Woodward Man has his definitions, but what about God? How does He define marriage?
Worldview Place and Purpose 05/02/2016 | Jordan Chamblee Your purpose in this temporal life and the eternal one to come.
Worldview God's Good Earth 04/21/2016 | Jordan Chamblee God made this Earth and He made it very good. We can celebrate today while worshipping Him for it.
Worldview Where the Wild Things Worship 04/15/2016 | Jordan Chamblee Worship can happen walking among pine trees and thorn bushes too.
Worldview Christ and Adventure: Chapter 2 04/14/2016 | Guest Writer Dreams, romance, adventure, and the gospel.