About Engage

Engage exists to provide perspective on culture through the eyes of a Biblical worldview, showing how that worldview intersects with culture and engages it.

We are a team of 20-somethings brought together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and employment in our parent organization American Family Association.

CJ Snyder

Writer For Engage

CJ Snyder grew up in rural Ingomar, Mississippi. God showed her the futility of trying to reach Him through her own efforts, revealed her sin, and gave her eyes to see the gracious Mediator. He brought CJ to Himself in 2009 and continues to demonstrate His glory and His goodness.

CJ enjoys spending time with her parents, sister, and two brothers. She loves anything outdoors such as biking, fishing, or being in the woods. 

Articles by CJ SNYDER

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Christian Fellowship is a Means of Grace

How one friendship led me to know more about Jesus.

My God, My Father

A quote from an old hymn, written on my bathroom mirror, made me reflect of God as my Father.

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