What do a brain surgeon, a retired U.S. Army general, and a lawmaker have to say about the upcoming election?
Perhaps you heard them speak on American Family Radio’s live broadcast of The Pensmore National Symposium on Religious Liberty at College of the Ozarks October 7. Behind the scenes of the symposium, Dr. Ben Carson, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. “Jerry” Boykin, and Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-TX, answered questions at a press conference. I asked them each to share their outlooks on the upcoming election. Their answers speak for themselves.
The Stand: What do you foresee with the upcoming election? Do you have hope for more conservatives casting their votes?
Dr. Ben Carson:
I have great hope. Thomas Jefferson said that we would reach this stage in our country because the people would not be paying attention. As a result, governments would do what governments naturally do.
Lions are not bad animals. But they naturally kill deer and lambs, and they eat them. Well, governments naturally grow, infiltrate, and dominate. And our Constitution was put in place to keep it from doing that. But when we fall asleep at the switch, it begins to do that.
And we will necessarily turn into something else because of our lack of vigilance. However, he [Jefferson] said that just before we turn to something else, the people of America would recognize what was going on and would awaken and would take corrective action.
This is the time [right now] he was talking about. … And I have faith in Republicans and Democrats alike, that they will recognize that they are being manipulated by the political class and by the media. And they will begin to think for themselves. They will begin to think about their children. And I think there is going to be a big surprise on November 8.
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin:
You know what I'm worried about? I'm worried about all these Catholic and evangelical Christians who say they can't vote. And this is my response to that: If you supported somebody else – if you supported Dr. Carson and you prayed for him, or you supported Huckabee or Cruz, and you prayed for them and didn't get what you asked for – ok, God is sovereign – now, what are you going to do? Take your ball and go home because you didn't get what you asked for?
You have no choice. It's a stewardship issue. God gave us this country and expects us to do all we can to make the best choice we can. Not voting is not an option, and for those who decline to go to the polls, you are not doing what I believe you are supposed to do. It's a stewardship issue.
Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-TX:
I believe Chuck Colson had it exactly right – what a great man. It was an honor for me to become his friend after he had been my hero for years. But he made clear [that] our hope would not arrive on Air Force One. Our hope is in Jesus Christ.
I wish it were not so, but the old maxim is true: “Democracy ensures that people are governed no better than they deserve.” The thing I know beyond any reasonable doubt is that America always had and, until the downfall of this form of government, always will get the president they deserve. Whether you like Obama, George W., Clinton, George H.W., Reagan, [or] Carter – that is who this country deserved at the time he was elected.
So, my hope and prayer – the thing I'm doing – is trying to make sure we deserve better than we've been getting. We can't just elect somebody. You can't just vote for somebody and think you've done your job. The job then becomes forcing accountability.
This article first appeared on The Stand. Anne began writing for the AFA Journal in 2012 as a freelancer and joined the staff in 2014. Her greatest challenge is to stop researching and actually start writing. Once accomplished, she hopes to share what she’s learned in a concise and thought provoking way that stirs readers to action. Anne is married to the producer of AFR’s Focal Point radio program, and they have two sons. She loves to cook, hang out with family, golf with her husband (when it’s not over 90 degrees), and pull away for quiet time as much as reasonably possible.